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Download Arabetics Detroit Font Family From Arabetics

Download Arabetics Detroit Font Family From Arabetics Arabetics Detroit is a monoshape font family with a fixed single shape per each Arabic Unicode character. This font family supports all Arabetic scripts covered by Unicode Standards 6.1, and the latest Arabic Supplement and Extended-A Unicode blocks, including support for Quranic texts. It includes three weights: regular, bold, and light, each of which has normal and left-slanted (Italic) versions. The design of this font family follows the Arabetics Mutamathil style design principles utilizing varying x-heights and no glyph substitutions. The Mutamathil type style was introduced by the designer more than 15 years ago. The Arabetics Detroit font family includes all required Lam-Alif ligatures in addition to all soft vowel diacritics (harakat), which are selectively positioned with most of them appearing on similar high and low levels—top left corner—to clearly distingui...